Learn to do Keepy Ups || Learn Quick
Align:start in case you are new to this channel and every episode of land quick I try to learn a new skill and in this episode I’m going to try and learn to do keep you ups with a football so I suck at football I’ve never made a team never try keep cops so I’m a starting from scratch here I wonder how long it will take me to learn how to do this big continues keep you ups this is day one hour zero this guys kick them out I was getting creeped out cuz like 10% of the population I am left-handed on buy food but my right foot is totally totally useless just look how bad that those right black foot right foot useless I’m just going to practice with just the right foot camera so the problem that I have almost every time is with my right my hand and say it’s for me to want to do this string my leg up to the site which kicks the ball off in that direction and the thing I’m having trouble with is to keep my leg straight like this I’m forcing my life to stay straight by kinda just working on over and over again so I’m getting there [Music] it’s my brother he’s pretty good at keep you up Stu please include on YouTube [Music] what I’m working on today is keeping my feet low and allowing the ball to come towards my feet rather than bringing my feet up to meet the ball and this seems to give me a lot more control and my kicks seem to be a lot more consistent which is the key again a high number of key P ups [Music] jugglin our soccer ball is very similar to juggling juggling balls and for me the way I get more and more kicks or more and more juggles is to just take a second and just try and calm down a bit and it seems to give me more time to make decisions whether I use my knee whether I use my right leg how hard to hit the ball it just gives me a lot more time to think about what I’m doing and I seem to get more and more juggles by doing that [Applause]
[Music] okay I want to try and distress keep you up today 27 for better family hi Oh Nagi many montage over 50 mm on what I do or that I don’t know what it was it was it was more than 50 yeah yeah more than 50 we don’t know what it was but it was more [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] oh this episode of one quick is proudly sponsored by audible some of you might have noticed that when I’m recording video I sometimes have headphones in and that’s because I am normally listening to an audiobook this month I’ve been listening to sapiens by Yuval Noah Harini it’s all about us humans and how we became the last surviving human species on earth fantastically highly recommended you can try out audible for free by going to audible.com/veritasium I ke BYD and you get a 30-day free trial which you get to try one free audiobook of your choice and there are thousands to choose from so once again to get started go to audible.com for a slash might void for your 30 day free trial thank you very much for watching and I’ll see you next time [Music]
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