Learn About My Teaching Style and Learn to Speak Italian, Fast
Align:start [Music] Travon naughty Manu here the Italy madidi and I’m entering the final question from the blog Italy wise great resource if you’re planning to move to Italy whether it’s permanently or for a short period of time and the question is the following what’s the best way for people to take advantage of your great teaching style and knowledge well first of all thank you so much for thinking that and I have to say I don’t I don’t think I mentioned it but luckily you’re not the only one who thinks that I mean of course the channel has grown to 22,000 subscribers as of now which is January 2017 also a few months ago Italy Medici was actually ranked the number one youtube channel for learning Italian that very impressed that you know thank you guys for supporting this method so what would I tell people to do there are a few options the first one is to subscribe to reclaim it easy the channel on YouTube because I produce one less than a day and sometimes even more sometimes a bit less but on average one a day and there’s such a variety of content on my channel that I’m sure you will find something that works for you so have grammar lessons where I explain I go on and on and explained it when you want these of something in English and then you have videos where I just talk about whatever in Italian there are subtitled adapt subtitles obviously there are videos where we do interactive games there are other videos where we do comprehension exercises so I speak Italian and then I ask you questions about what I just said so there are a number of ways plus if you look at the archive you there’s playlist with all sorts of content there’s like language learning tips there are specific grammar expressions or Italian expressions like conversational expression there is a series for more advanced students where we listen to a conversation between two Italians like normal slangy Italian and then we comment on everything that will set up there’s a lot of stuff on each Lima DZ on YouTube but then of course there is a matching website which I’m going to bring up which is Italy MIDI sitcom so also you will find a lot of information there there are the multiple PDFs firms for some of the series thirdly what I would suggest to do is in a very very very short time I will start a new program that is going to I’d say revolutionize the way Thailand is thought because there’s nothing like this and I’m proud of bringing it to you it’s killing me because I work 20 hours a day but I’m very happy to bring it to you it’s called from zero to Italian you can find it by going to Italy Mideast calm or if you wanna have something easy to remember just type in from 0to Italian calm and you will be taken there anyway so what is it it’s going to be the most complete method to learn Italian why why is it the most complete because first of all it’s only for the serious student because it would have a demand of your commitment you will ask you to commit to actually doing it otherwise it doesn’t work and I don’t want it to not work because it’s my reputation right so if you sign up you will be taken from zero to fluency over a period of time based on your commitment now the start we start from zero but because of my approach so many times I’ve seen people students who had studied Italian already and then they would watch me teach something that is kind of basic and they would say oh I finally got it I had this happen with articles if you look up my video about Italian articles I had advanced students finally getting it so there is something for you no matter what you level but it is that we do start from scratch and we keep adding why is it unique is because we will cover all aspects of speaking a language so I’m not just gonna teach you vocabulary I’m not just gonna teach you grammar I’m not just going to train you to understand Italian and I’m not just going to train how to speak Italian will cover all things so there’s going to be an interactive chat to talk with each other and to talk with me and to talk with other Italian teachers there’s going to be dictation exercises they’re going to be comprehension exercises everything is going to be as interactive as we possibly can make it and as far as we possibly can make it while we’re still building the foundation with the knowledge of the grandma that you need and the confidence that you need and the tips it’s the most complete thing you will find and it’s going to be a monthly subscription program so you will be part of the community and you will take the journey with and number hopefully hundreds of other students and then you can exchange stories and tips and talk to each other also excited ah anyway I hope you’re as excited as me I suggest that you register your interest if you’re watching this before the launch which is I’m scared of saying it because if I say publicly then it’s gonna have to happen but the launch date of from zero to Talon is February the 13th 2017 I’ve said so I’ve committed to delivering this product to you so it’s going to be the best way for you to really really seriously learn it Alden but if you don’t want to go that route keep watching my videos and keep using whatever resources you find useful and got simila thank you so much Jade for reaching out to me I love Italy wise and I love what you’re doing and the information that you’re giving so thanks everybody for watching grazie Mille h vide amo across your tatata [Music]
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