If You Ever See This on the Beach, Cry for Help!

Whoa if you meet this on the beach cry for help as loud as possible There are so many different species living in the ocean some of them are beautiful some are deadly and some are both How do you recognize something that you can touch and something you have to run away from as fast as possible How do you stay alive after a simple walk on the beach or swim in the sea in? This video bright side will tell about the most dangerous sea creatures. You can meet and how to recognize them whoo good thing counting down from number 10 fire coral Do you know why scuba divers have to wear gloves? Yes one of the reasons is fire coral? These small organisms can sting and the effect can be not very serious just a mild irritation and it can be quite bad a Stunt person may have severe pains feel nauseated and even vomit which is not the best thing to do when you are underwater Yeah makes a big green cloud So if you decide to go scuba diving make sure you have all the necessary gear for it and just be safe don’t touch anything number 9 flower urchin This urchin is both very beautiful and very deadly it contains toxins that can cause anaphylactic shock convulsions and finally death You can get poisoned if you step on it when you are in the sea or the ocean You have to be super careful and watch your step Many people who step on flower urchin die not because of the toxin itself, but because they got disoriented by pain and drown number eight cone snail These guys have been very popular among collectors, but we recommend you not to fall for the pretty appearance Scientists say that just one drop of the cone snails poison is enough to kill 20 people Just one drop almost as bad as my roommates cooking the respiratory system shuts down due to paralysis which causes death What’s both curious and terrible is that this snail is sometimes called the cigarette snail The thing is after you get stung you only have enough time to smoke one cigarette on the bright side you really will quit smoking Number seven Portuguese man-of-war This animal looks truly beautiful and many people mistake it for a jellyfish That’s why a different name for this animal is false jellyfish Get it.
You can find it mostly in tropical and subtropical regions of the Pacific and Indian Ocean But sometimes the currents move men-of-war to places where it doesn’t usually live The most mind-blowing fact about man-of-war is that technically we should call it men of war and not refer to it as it But they and here’s why it’s an animal that is made up of a colony of organisms cooperating together Man-of-war has tentacles that can be 30 feet long, which it uses to paralyze and kill fish and other small creatures fortunately for humans a mana 4 is not deadly, but extremely painful and The worst parts about its venom is that it can stay on beaches for days after the animal itself is gone So if you are on a beach look for warning signs if you are stung by a man-of-war Don’t even think about peeing on the sting this will only make things worse And you’ll look very silly instead use cold to reduce the swelling and kill the pain Number 6 sneeze snakes, I mean sea snakes. Yeah say that 5 times real fast Yep snakes in plural because we mean a whole variety of species see snakes are in fact much more venomous than their land living friends Why are they so venomous well as it turns out they have to be like that because they hunt fish? So what they need to do is immobilize their prey very quickly not to let it escape The good news is that in most cases if you get bitten by a sea snake There is an anti-venom that you can take to survive However, there is one snake that you definitely don’t want to meet the beaked snake one drop of its venom can end Lives of three men and as you have probably guessed it also causes your respiratory system to stop working The only upside here, is that the beach snake is usually found in deep waters, so seeing it on the beach is very unlikely number 5 lionfish The fish that cannot tell the truth yes, they’re always lying Sorry Many people call the lionfish the most beautiful sea creature in the world you can find them in the Caribbean and eastern Atlantic Lion fishes are not deadly they do have a venom, but it’s not lethal however the pain You will experience if you get stung is so severe that people say you might wish you were dead One fisherman whose foot was stung says he wanted it to be amputated.
That’s how bad the pain was On the bright side lion fishes are not offensive if you don’t do anything that it might perceive as dangerous It probably won’t attack you probably number 4 Chiron acts This jellyfish doesn’t have any teeth, but it’s dangerous as hell if a person gets stung they will have excruciating pain red inflammation in the stung area and heart dysfunction The victim needs to be taken to the nearest hospital as soon as he or she is pulled out of the water Otherwise death is inevitable To be safe don’t touch any jellyfish at all what if it’s a Chiron acts Another thing you should always do is watch out for warning signs on all beaches where you go swimming number three surgeonfish Know this is not the one you call if you got stung by a chironex This one got its name for a reason these fish have razor sharp scalpel like things on their tails they Can easily cut off a human hand if a person comes close to it now? When you know why they have such a name Please give us a thumbs up if you still have a thumb if you find this video interesting Surgeonfish are easily spooked so you should be extra careful if you see one of them Don’t make any unexpected fast moves The good news is surgeon fish are not aggressive unless of course you provoked them by not paying your medical bill or something number two Indonesian needle fish These fish live in tropical and subtropical waters of the oceans They as the name suggests have a very sharp needle-like beak, and they are especially dangerous when they hurl themselves out of the water so they’re most often victims are Fishermen who get stabbed by them and have no time to get to the shore quickly to get urgent medical treatment It doesn’t happen very often.
Hey, just think about it. What are the chances, but it still does? and number one trigger fish This fish is mostly friendly, but only until you are a threat to its nest The most dangerous are females of course if you approach its nest even accidentally it will bite you Thankfully the bites aren’t poisonous But trigger fish have extremely sharp teeth so the injuries it can cause need serious medical attention curious snorkelers and divers are the most frequent victims of trigger fish if You know about any other sea animals that we haven’t told you about let us know in the comment section below Send this video to your friends to keep them safe during their next vacation Like this video and hit the subscribe button to join us on the bright side of life
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