Is Toothless a Titan Wing? THEORY [How to Train Your Dragon]
Heystop berries at the end of the second movie toothless faces down against Drago’s wildebeest he breaks out of his cage of ice his nostrils flaring and glowing and he Challenges its position as the Alpha of all Dragons the Dragons all swooped around – toothless aside and together they take down drago bludvist his b wildebeest Bowes his head and submits making toothless the Alpha. It was a fantastic end to the second movie, but What on earth happened to toothless I mean with those colors he would look pretty good at a raving party *rave music* What do you mean, I can’t dance? while the most common theory is that toothless became a Titan wing now I plan to make a whole video explaining in more depth what on earth Titan wings are another time But Titan wings feature mostly in the game rise of Berk which I have played by the way And you can click the link up in the corner of the screen to go watch me play it on my second channel Also, I uploaded a new episode so becoming a Titan wing is kind of a big thing in the dragon community It’s like coming of age, but very few dragons get to do it It’s pretty rare and the few dragons that do graduate to become Titan wings are often larger way more powerful and have special kinds of markings Now while almost all dragon species have a Titan wing form the fact that we have only seen a few Titan wings in all of race to the edge all of the How to Train Your Dragon Movies does tell us how rare they are the most prompt example would be the titan wing Monstrous nightmare that we meet in the show it’s darker.
It’s stronger it has way more powerful fire blasts It’s far faster than hookfang who is not a Titan wing and has Special red and black markings that we have not seen on any other Monstrous nightmare other examples include Viggos’ shell fire which was officially described as a gigantic titan wing deep sea dragon with a flat hardback shell for protection and of course there’s also the Wildebeests from this second movie when Fishlegs described it as a “That is a class ten! Class ten!” The creators confirmed that this is the equivalent of calling it a titan wing for title class Dragons think of titan wings like your mother when she realizes that you’ve been skipping school to go play Magic the Gathering anyone else? No? Just me? Alright then.
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